Content Compact 224 Organ

Price on request

Established in 1980 in Ermelo, Netherlands by Berg Foppen, an acknowledged expert in the field of electronic organs, Content Organs offers classical digital organs for home  and Church/Institutional use as well as Hauptwerk models.

In 1987 Content Organs was presented with the prestigious ‘’Paris Diapason Dór’’ award for excellence in quality and sound.

With Content Organs you have a wide range to choose a suitable organ from.

This is a modular organ where the organ, stand, pedal board, expression pedal and bench can be purchased separately.

Being modular, the Compact 224 can be used  on its own or incorporated  in different ways.

See the link below for further information.

The Content cabinet model organs are available in one to four manual models.

With the new Compact 224 model, the world of the organ is now available to any organist in any situation.

Should you wish to hear the sound of a Content Organ, in our shop at 144 Dorp Street, Stellenbosch we have a model Compact 224.

You are welcome to call on us so that we can discuss your organ requirements.

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